U11 Resources
This section is filled with session ideas and drills for our West Van FC U11 coaches. The Technical Lead for your age group will update the videos throughout
the season so make sure to check back regularly.
WVFC Tech Department
Technical Warmup VIDEO
Technical Warmup with ball Ball Mastery skills VIDEO
Ball Work! Lots of little patterns that the kids can get comfortable with, while getting their heart rate up. Ball warm-up VIDEO
Simple ball work, to get the heart pumping.
Warmup VIDEO
Tic tac toe warmp-up
Skill Practice - Dribbling VIDEO
Session on dribbling technique. Focusing on players keeping their heads up in traffic areas. Passing and Control VIDEO
Fun passing and control activity, Make sure the kids focus on Body positioning when they receive and spatial awareness. Dribbling passing. VIDEO
Dribbling and passing drill. Relay races for some pressure and competition. Footwork VIDEO
Lots of touches, running with the ball. Emphasis on Change of pace
Finishing Drill VIDEO
Shooting drill with a progression to defensive pressure on the shooter Simple and fun VIDEO
Shooting with a transition. Finishing VIDEO
Speed and agility through changes of direction ending with a 1v1 to goal Finishing VIDEO
Reaction shooting. Do not have the kids touch the cone with their hands!
Overloads small side game VIDEO
Players are looking to create overloads and making decisions on when to dribble, shoot and pass. 4 goal- 4v4 plus 1 VIDEO
This drill can be done with a 5v5 plus one. Use according to however many players you have for the session. 1v1 game VIDEO
Quick one on ones Drill. Encourage use of space, changes in direction, speeds. Creativity in this drill is very important. Crossing and Finishing VIDEO
Crossing and Finishing in a game environment. Defending VIDEO
2v2 and 3v2(Overload) game with a focus on defending