Mini U8 - U10

Registration Information

The website opens for registration on Feb 15 and registration will continue for Mini players U8 to U10 until May 31st. From June 1 onwards a late registration fee may be charged. Registration will continue  with a late fee added until teams are full. If you are a returning player please register using your login and password from the previous season. If you are a new player please enter as a "new user" and invent a user name and password.

Players registering on June 1st or after will be placed on teams with spaces in date order of registration. Registrations will be taken until the teams are full and then a waitlist will be started.

Mini Soccer - U8 to U10

Mini Soccer Program  
All boys games are scheduled for Saturdays and ALL girls games are scheduled on Sundays in the 2020-21 season. Each team practices once a week between games. 
The season runs from mid September to early March with a break from mid December to mid January. The age group that a player falls under is determined by his age as of December 31st. As an example, a player who will be 9 years old at December 31st must play in the U10 (i.e. Under 10) age group.

In accordance with the Rules and Regulations set out by BC Soccer and the CSA, players at the U9 to U10 age groups must play in their correct age group. No player may play "down" except if they have a physical or mental disability, and players may only play "up" upon the recommendation of the Director of Football - ( and the Age Group's Technical Coordinator. To find your AGTC go to About Us and look at the Contacts Page.

Schedules will be posted in August at under "small sided games"

No player may practice or play with a team unless the player has been placed by the Club on that team


The Club has appointed Age Group Technical Coordinators. They will help with any technical problems or questions  
Please go to the Club contacts page to find the AGTC for your age group

Mini Team Selection Policy

The West Vancouver Football Club's main objective is to provide an atmosphere of fun and exercise with the emphasis on skill development in the context of a team sport. Children have the opportunity to learn a lot in Mini soccer, including getting along with other children, accepting guidance and direction from a coach, experiencing the feeling of winning and losing as a team, as well as learning and loving the game of soccer. The West Vancouver Football Club is a community club, drawing on players from all neighbourhoods. One of the most valuable opportunities for players is that of meeting and playing with children from all over the community, many of whom they will meet in other sports and activities and perhaps later in high school. In fact, it will assist in their integration to High School, as they will know other children from throughout the community, not just from elementary school.

At the Mini level there is no tryout process to get on a team. All children are welcome until the teams are full. Each year, teams may be made up of children who played on that team the year prior, with additions of kids who played elsewhere and children new to the Club.

The Club counts on volunteers to help us run smoothly. Each age group has a coordinator, the AGC (Age Group Coordinator). Names are listed on the contacts page on the website. These guidelines were established to promote fairness to the process, equal opportunity, and a reasonable distribution of players from different schools. This latter criterion was adopted for a number of reasons, the first being that it is a wonderful opportunity for children to meet and play soccer with a variety of kids. Secondly, cliques, etc., which may be present in school groups, have no place in team sport: teams comprised of children from different schools lessen the opportunity for such clique behaviour to transfer to the team. Thirdly, diverse teams provide flexibility in the placement of new players. Teams change over the years as people move in and out of the community, drop soccer or take it up. It can be very difficult for a child to be the only player on a team from another school, or to be the only player from a given school not on that school based team.

Summary of Mini Team Selection Guidelines U7 to U10

1. Children will be placed on teams of Community (not school based) representation. Wherever possible, children will be placed with one friend whom they have requested. Players committing for a full season of soccer (September to March) will be given priority for placement on teams.
2. Players registering before May 31st will be given priority when team placements are made honouring requests for teams where possible and following the guidelines for placement.
3. All players registering on June 1 or later will be placed on teams with available spots in date order of registration, honouring requests for teams where possible and following the guidelines for placement.
4. The Club will distribute "new to soccer" players amongst the established teams where possible to avoid creating teams consisting of all "new to soccer" players , thereby putting that team at a disadvantage. This applies mostly to the older age groups. We will always endeavor to place players with at least one friend. When all available spots are taken a waitlist will be started.
5. At the beginning of the season, the maximum number of children from one school placed on a team will be six.
6. Head Coaches' children will always be placed on their parent's team. Team managers' and coordinators' children will be placed according to the same guidelines as everyone else.
7. Waitlist. When all teams are full, a waitlist will be started. Players must be registered before being placed on the waitlist. Order on the waitlist is based on the registration date. Should a spot on a team become available, the first person on the waitlist will be offered the spot. If this person declines the spot, the next person will be contacted. A decision on the part of the waitlisted player regarding the placement must be made within 24 hours of being contacted. Coaches do not choose who fills the spot on his/her team.
8. Team transfers: Transfers are granted at the discretion of the age group coordinator in consultation with the mini coordinator, with several factors taken into consideration. Once teams are finalized, player requests for changes can only be entertained in exceptional circumstances. Only those team lists sanctioned by the Board of the WVFC and in turn, the NSYSA, can practice or play. Transfers of players at the mini level are at the discretion of the Club not BC Soccer.
9. Huge amounts of thought, time and effort go into making the teams. Rude and abusive treatment of the volunteer coordinators will NOT be tolerated. At the end of the Process, you will get a call or email from your child's coach or team manager, another volunteer who will likely have a positive impact on your child in many ways during the season. If you are positive and encouraging to your child about whatever team he/she is placed on, your child will be too. Have a great season.