Field Info and Guidelines

WVFC-Emergency Action Plan April 2021

To access the entire Emergency Action Plan, please click on this link:  EAP


Facility/Venue Information

Facility/Venue Name: Ambleside Park Soccer Fields

Facility/Venue Address: 1066 Marine Drive, West Vancouver BC – West Vancouver Football Club

Phone Number: 604-925-7233 

Entrance Intersection: Marine Drive and Pound Road

Nearest AED location: N Wall of Field House

Emergency Medical Services Number: 911

Nearest Hospital: Lions Gate Hospital

Phone Number: 604-988-3131

Nearest Hospital Address: 231 15th Street E, North Vancouver, BC

Who will meet the ambulance: Club Staff Phone Number: 604-764-1661

Ambulance will be met at: SE Corner of East Field on Pound Road. (see image 3)

Field Notices

Field Information Line: 604-925-7209 or click here for the field status page (updated after 1:00PM Fridays)

Field Assignor Contact at  

To ensure that all participants are following the same guidelines with respect to conditions of use for the three artificial turf fields, Ambleside D & E & Rutledge, please ensure every team official, player and parent are aware of the following terms. Coaches will be responsible for the conduct and behaviour of players and spectators on the field. 

  • Clean footwear before entering the fields on mats at player's entrance.
  • No screw-in stud footwear allowed. This includes metal and plastic studs. This rule will be strictly enforced. Home teams must inform away teams of this rule and make sure referees enforce rule. Players found with screw-in stud footwear on the synthetic field will be assessed damages and home teams and referees will be liable for suspension of field privileges.
  • Rutledge AT - no plastic molded or metal cleats; running shoes only.
  • Spectators must remain outside fenced area - Players and Coaching Staff only on the field.
  • No beverages (other than water in plastic bottles)
  • No gum
  • No sunflower seeds
  • No pets
  • No food
  • No tents with spikes. Tents should be set up off to the side so spectator views are not blocked. No Tents on the Synthetic Turfs, cement only, poles will cause damage to the turf surface, even with bases. No folding players benches permitted.
  • Please take all equipment, water bottles and sock tape with you when you leave to help keep our park clean.
  • Absolutely no warm ups or practicing on grass, prior to using the synthetic turf. Organic material transferred onto the synthetic surface must be avoided at all times.

No practices are allowed on grass fields. The Club supports the Municipality in its efforts to maintain control of the use of the fields and expects ALL Club teams to co-operate.

North Van Field Status

North Vancouver Field Status - Click here!
North Van Fields Line  604-983-6444  ext 503